February 4, 2025
February 4, 2025
Media Contact: pr@safehouseproject.org
Safe House Project Calls for Swift Confirmation of RFK, Jr., Bold Leadership to Reform National Human Trafficking Hotline
Kristi Wells, CEO of Safe House Project, today released the following statement on the passage of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.’s nomination out of committee:
“We are incredibly encouraged by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.’s nomination passing Senate committee earlier today, and hopeful for swift passage of his nomination by the full U.S. Senate in the coming days. We are confident Kennedy will bring much-needed transparency and accountability to the federal government’s management of health and human services. That starts with protecting the most vulnerable among us, which is core to the mission of Safe House Project. As we continue working steadfastly to increase awareness and reporting of human trafficking in the United States, ensuring that Americans have access to a National Human Trafficking Hotline that is responsive and effectively serves the victims it is designated to help is critical. Sadly the current hotline has lost all credibility. Our nation is in dire need of leadership that will restore it to fulfill its purpose of identifying victims of trafficking, supporting victims escaping from their traffickers, and helping bring swift justice to those who abuse and victimize desperate and vulnerable populations.”
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